Section Field
This is not 'real' field which has a direct connection to the value inside the form. Section was created to make form design easier, e.g. several fields in one row, fields separated section by section and etc.
The most important learning when it comes to Section
field, is that you need to remember to recreate a whole tree of nodes when it comes to the initialValue
Let's check the example. If our form schema
will look like this
type SectionFieldStructure = {
type: 'section';
fields: Array<Record<string, AllFieldsType>>;
sectionProperties?: JSX.IntrinsicElements['div'];
conditionalRender?: {
conditionalFields: ConditionalType[];
conditionalRulesChainOption?: 'AND' | 'OR';
fieldWrapperProperties?: JSX.IntrinsicElements['div'];
fieldLabel?: (name: string) => ReactNode;
const selectOptions = () => [
{ label: 'Pizza', value: 'pizza' },
{ label: 'Burger', value: 'burger' },
{ label: 'Taco', value: 'taco' },
const schema: FormSchema = {
mySection: {
type: 'section',
fields: [
name: {
type: 'text'
favFood: {
type: 'select',
placeholder: 'Select favourite food',
fieldWrapperProperties: { className: 'mb-2' },
optionsList: selectOptions
const initialValue = {
mySection: {
name: 'My name',
favFood: 'pizza'
We need to remember that name
and favFood
fields are children of mySection
therefor we need to replicate the whole structure in initialValue
and the same structure will be generated during submit
Let's' make the same example with nice styling
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