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CPV Selector



yarn add @mercell/cpv-selector-react


Using the CPV Selector component is as simple as importing it like this.

import { CPVSelector } from '@mercell/cpv-selector-react';
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Types, definitions, etc.

interface CPVProps {
isCPVPickerOpen: boolean;
onCloseCPVPickerCallback: () => void;
title?: string;
language?: string;
noCodesFoundText?: string;
selectedCodesText?: string;
onCPVListChange: (selectedCPVs: string[]) => void;
selectedCPVs?: string[];
disabledCPVs?: string[];
ariaExpandChevronLabel?: string;
ariaCollapseChevronLabel?: string;
cpvSearchPlaceholder?: string;
ariaLabelClearSearch?: string;
modalProps?: Omit<ModalProps, 'isModalVisible' | 'onCloseCallback'> &JSX.IntrinsicElements['div'];
allowToSelectOnlyOne?: boolean;
} & JSX.IntrinsicElements['div']
isCPVPickerOpenbooleanfalseyesStatus boolean which is necessary to show/hide cpv selector
onCloseCPVPickerCallback() => void-yesCallback method to close cpv selector
titlestringSelect categoriesnoTitle of the modal
languagestringennoCPV langauge
noCodesFoundTextstringCouldn’t find any results matching your searchnoText where search function could not find any match
selectedCodesTextstringSelected codesnoText near counter
onCPVListChange(selectedCPVsData: string[]) => void-yesFunction to catch any change of codes based on user action
selectedCPVsstring[]-noInitial codes which can be selected by default
disabledIdsstring[]-noInitial codes which should be disabled
ariaExpandChevronLabelstringExpandnoExpand text for aria-label
ariaCollapseChevronLabelstringCollapsenoCollapse text for aria-label
cpvSearchPlaceholderstringCPV SearchnoSearch placeholder text
ariaLabelClearSearchstringClear searchnoClear search text for aria-label
modalPropsModalProps{}noPass through props for Modal
allowToSelectOnlyOnebooleanfalsenoSwitch from checkbox to radio for code selection